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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Addendum regarding IPv6 Subnetting Sample 4

One thing I forgot (because I was too busy converting from binary and decimal both to Hex) is that IPv6 does not have restrictions with respect to network and broadcast addresses.

So, we can generalize subnetting into the following

SN calculation: 2^sn >= req
H calculation: 2^h >= req

Applying the generalizations above, the answers for Sample 4 are shown below as follows:

Net # Alloc IP
LAN 3 33 2310:1234:0003::/122
LAN 4 21 2310:1234:0003::40/123
LAN 1 14 2310:1234:0003::60/124
LAN 2 04 2310:1234:0003::70/125
SL 01 02 2310:1234:0003::78/127
SL 02 02 2310:1234:0003::7a/127
SL 03 02 2310:1234:0003::7c/127

IPv6 subnetting resembling the process of how IPv4 VLSM is perfomed.

Expounding, we have

LAN 3 33 2310:1234:0003::/122
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::/122
Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::/122
Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::3F/122

LAN 4 21 2310:1234:0003::40/123
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::40/123

Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::40/123
Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::5F/123

LAN 1 14 2310:1234:0003::60/124
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::60/124
Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::60/124

Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::6F/124

LAN 2 04 2310:1234:0003::70/125
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::70/125
Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::70/125

Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::77/125

SL 01 02 2310:1234:0003::78/127
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::78/127
Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::78/127

Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::79/127

SL 02 02 2310:1234:0003::7a/127
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::7a/127
Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::7a/127

Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::7b/127

SL 03 02 2310:1234:0003::7c/127
IP Ranges for 2310:1234:0003::7c/127
Starting IP: 2310:1234:0003::7c/127
Ending IP: 2310:1234:0003::7d/127

Note: It seems very possible to do this but you'd have to understand that we won't normally do it this way as we are bound to around 3 ways of assigning IP addresses - 1. EUI-64 via Stateless autoconfiguration, 2. Stateful configuation through DHCPv6, and 3. Address randomization, just like with Windows Vista and Server 2008, but taking note that the last 64-bits is to be generated by the system unlike what I presented above.

I got to read Wendell Odom's book on Cisco certification and he said we can use any prefix as long as we can have bits to represent the hosts in that segment, which I've done in my example.


I did it just for fun. ^__^

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